Getting IO right

We recently embarked on a new project in a subject that we were familiar with (network configuration at scale) and that we have implemented previously in a different context in Java. Our new project challenged us to take a new look at the subject and to come up with an implementation that further improves performance, has a smaller footprint and adds new functionality. We finally implemented the project in C++.

In the following posts we will share our experiences on that journey. We would love to hear from you. You can follow the progress of our journey here:

Getting IO right

The project that we are working on reads data from many different networking devices. We establish an SSH session with each device and crawl its configuration and stats by issuing a multitude of commands. We also provide the capability to translate the information we collect and send to standards based data models (Openconfig YANG). We also offer the ability to write configuration to devices. 

Having open connections to many devices at the same time poses a design challenge similar to that of web servers. A low overhead per open SSH session, being able to quickly respond to the activity on a particular device and process incoming data are all requirements that need to be fulfilled. 

Our first (prototype) C++ implementation for handling connections and data was using a fixed size thread-pool to handle incoming traffic and periodic polling of data using the ssh_channel_read_timeout call. Somewhat naive approach, but for getting something up and running quickly and verifying our assumptions it was sufficient. This is similar to Apache’s one-process-per-connection model where a master process pre-forks slave processes which handle the incoming traffic (except that we had threads that don’t suffer from disadvantages like expensive fork()-s etc.). 

As we added more logic (i.e. device commands to execute via SSH) and more devices the “temporary” solution became a performance bottleneck. At some point it took over a minute to read all the data we were collecting from a single device. Of course, the most reasonable next step was to tweak the size of the thread-pool, change timeouts and do other micro-optimizations. It soon turned out this was a dead-end and we needed to rehaul this part of the system. Before we actually started to rewrite this subsystem, we had decided to pin down any established design patterns in order to get the most bang for the buck in terms of networking IO. 

We looked into popular projects to draw inspiration from (i.e. “borrow” their design :-). Most notably we looked into NodeJS which is a single thread application written in C++ that achieves high throughput.

NodeJS uses only a single thread to receive connections from users and treats these requests as events. The basic idea behind the NodeJS “event-loop” can be seen on this diagram
We also turned our attention to Nginx as this is the most popular web server today and claims it can “handle millions of simultaneous requests and scales very well”. The Nginx team identified their greatest scaling “enemy” – blocking. The core of Nginx is a readiness notification handler that receives information about connection events from the kernel and then processes them one by one. The Nginx core uses a task queue and a small number of consumer threads in order to offload long running tasks somewhere else so they do not slow down the main loop. This pattern fits our problem pretty nicely as we have low volume data coming from the SSH which needs to be parsed and processed (e.g. regexp evaluation, string manipulations and data handling). 
From these real-world examples and also after reading the famous c10k article we came up with the following principles:

·       Don’t use any blocking or synchronous calls (if possible),
·       use the network readiness notifications via the kernel API,
·       one reader can handle data reads for many devices,
·       any subsequent processing or data manipulation needs to happen outside of the reader thread’s scope, 
·       solution needs to work on different *nix systems.

Next, we needed to pick the right kernel API for data notifications. As epoll being I/O notification standard and having the best performance this was a no-brainer. Unfortunately not every system supports epoll, so we needed to have some fallback mechanism which would always pick the best kernel API available on the particular system. There are multiple libraries that can be used for this purpose, most widely used are libuv (created and used by NodeJS), libev and libevent. Long story short, we decided to use libevent. The performance benchmarks are similar between libuv, libev and libevent (libevent falls slightly behind in certain situations) but libevent has a large active community, mailing list, is well documented and its programming model fits nicely with the design we intended to have. We ended up using a pattern that has a data queue where we push incoming SSH output snippets and a second queue where we schedule the processing.

We rewrote the original code using the pattern above. You register a libevent callback that is triggered once data from SSH is available. The callback pushes data into the queue and adds a task into the processing queue. In the end we got the performance and responsiveness that we were looking for – going down from minutes to milliseconds.


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